10 najskupljih ključnih reči na Guglu
Evo koliko AdWords oglašivači plaćaju da se pojave na Google-u za popularne i super vredne reči.
Svi znamo da je neverovatno skupo živeti u San Francisku. Zašto? Pa zato što je to fenomenalno mes...
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H Tags And Seo Optimization
Anyone that knows even remotely HTML code, knows that H tags are used for headings and titles in a single HTML page. There are six standard H tags: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. All of these tags are hie...
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H Tags And Seo Optimization
Anyone that knows even remotely HTML code, knows that H tags are used for headings and titles in a single HTML page. There are six standard H tags: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. All of these tags are hie...
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