Blogs now make up a third of web sites in the world. Three quarters of internet users regularly follow one or more blogs. Five out of six “influential” on the internet write their blog, and the greatest impact on them has other bloggers. Blogosphere of former Yugoslavia is rapidly evolving since 2008. Nevertheless, we don’t know what’s troubling bloggers, the pace at which they write, whether they feel safe to release an opinion on tricky topics, if they get support from friends, we do not know how many blogs are out there, on which platforms (WP, BlogSpot, Live journal, Custom made) whether they are aware of their public rights and how often are their rights violated. We know less about people that write blogs than any other social media, and we can develop something unless it’s “measured”. Until we know how we are, it is difficult to improve the “blogosphere” to the level of the most important social media which our blogosphere could easily be. Since when you started reading this until the moment you finish – there will be over 20 000 new blogs published on the internet!