The second-largest CMS system, right after the famous Wordpress platform, is certainly Joomla. This is the so-called open source system, within which PHP programming language (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) can be applied. The main role of the mentioned system, which uses the MySQL database, is to update, publish and delete various types of data that are available on the Internet. One of the great advantages given when it comes to making Joomla presentations is certainly the fact that these are systems that can be very easily adapted to the needs of clients. And flexibility certainly does not only refer to the layout of the presentation itself, but also to the fact that experienced designers we employ can respond adequately to the request of each interested client regarding specific settings in the administrative panel. That is exactly how he will get the opportunity to use certain content in a specific presentation, but also to manage it without any particular difficulty. We emphasize that many hosting companies offer their clients the ability to automatically install Joomla on the server, which certainly makes its use easier. In addition, the presentation development is facilitated by the fact that in this open source system a large number of different plug-ins are offered, which influences the improvement of the functionality of the site itself. In fact, various components are available within this system plug-ins, including Joomla plug-ins as well as modules, languages and different templates. Just before the Joomla presentation development starts, clients will have to clearly explain to our experts what they expect from a specific site, that is, what plug-ins they would like to use, and then they proceed to a professional analysis of these data and define the layout of the website itself. It is also important to be familiar with the fact that within this platform there is the ability to configure personal use options for a certain number of people, and clients are also offered the option to define the principle by which permissions will be given to users. Of course, we should also mention the possibility of searching for the content of a particular website, and interested parties also have the option of support in several world languages. It should also be noted that the professional and high-quality development of Joomla presentations certainly includes the ability to use a specific tool, in order for the client to properly manage the media files or the so-called Media Manager, and each of these sites may have different themes or templates. In addition, the Menu Manager option is available, which allows you to control the navigation menu, and assumes that every website created within the Joomla system has an upgrade option, which includes both numerous social networks, and forums, then online stores and other software extensions.