The first time a person buys a specific domain, regardless of whether it is .com, .info, .org or the like, only a few hours after the payment has been made, and no later than one day, that is, in the period from 24 hours it becomes active. The entire process is called domain propagation, and in this case, specific domain registration is done on different DNS servers, but it will be available exclusively with the Internet provider to whom the domain is paid.
We must also emphasize that for the first time domain propagation can take a little longer when it comes to .rs or .co.rs domains because their registration is done within local DNS services, so the process is somewhat different.
This term also denotes a process that takes place within the so-called DNS servers in the whole world, whose main purpose is to update all changes that have been made within a specific domain by the user. Thus, for example, if a person makes a change to hosting, it must be recorded through the domain propagation process. And as far as the duration of this process is concerned, in most cases it lasts from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of three days, that is 72 hours. Certainly, in practice, there are those providers working more slowly, that is, they are set up to update less frequently, so the domain can be propagated within a maximum of 120 hours.
Primarily, the domain propagation is among experts considered as updating all those changes that have occurred to Name servers, but of course, also applies when many other changes are made within any field. The basic difference between the changes made to the first server and in different fields is that if changes to other fields are made then there is no direct impact on the functionality of a particular website, unlike the changes that occur in the Name server. This refers to the fact that when a change is made on it, the Internet provider will continue to show visitors, i.e. users the primary location, until the update, that is domain propagation, is performed.
Since it is stated that this process can take 15 minutes to 72 hours and that there are certainly those that last much longer, the fact is that it does not depend largely on the registry itself, but exclusively on specific Internet providers, i.e. their settings regarding the period in which cached domain-related data is updated. The principle is very simple because at the time the update is made, it is assumed that a specific site on the new domain will automatically be visible to visitors.
To avoid problems that may arise from the change of this data, good planning of the mentioned process is advised, so if someone really needs to move a particular web page from one server to another, then he is first advised to keep the original server online all the way until the domain propagation process is officially completed and until the specific site is visible on the new address. And if someone wants to change the domain of a forum, for example, it is best to leave the old in the so-called maintenance mode, and make the new forum open for visitors. All this is advisable because when the entire propagation process is complete, visitors will be able to see all the posts in the forum, and those that previously existed in it will in no way disappear because they are kept on the old server. It is especially important to take into account placing of content in the period while the update is expected, so if you are not entirely sure whether you are placing it on the old or new website, then it is advised to wait until the complete process of propagation is completed.
Anyone who does not have the desire to wait for specific changes to be updated certainly has the ability to use the public Google DNS service, since it is updated continuously every 15 minutes, but quite logically this kind of editing of a particular website is only available to the person which is in charge of it, so that it is only visible to him, provided that each individual user will definitely have to wait for the said process to be fully completed by his Internet service provider.
In some situations, until the propagation is completed, that is, the entire procedure is fully executed, it may happen that a certain delay occurs, but this can certainly not be affected since it has nothing to do with the individual user.