The fact is that many who are not informed sufficiently tend to state that Java and Javascript are fully identical programming languages, so we will definitely specify on this occasion what exactly is meant by the JavaScript.
This is the so-called object scripting language, whose main purpose of use is to improve the dynamics of a particular page. In fact, the thing is that when using HTML code, its role is only to shape certain page elements, such as text, tables, links or forms, and then edit them, but this code does not have the role of determining the way in which specific elements will behave. It is then that the entire process involves JavaScript, which plays a significant role in creating the behavior of these elements. And when combined with HTML and CSS, then the so-called dynamic HTML (DHTML) is created.
When it is said that a scripting language is object, it actually means that the person who works with it should specify the type of data, but also to define which exact function will be applied, which must be specified on the basis of the structure of the specific data. Such a principle leads to the fact that the structure of certain data actually begins to be treated as an object within which these data and certain functions are located. The use of this programming language also determines the relationships between the two objects.
This scripting language is composed of numerous commands, which must be read in the special program called Interpreter. It serves to read these commands, without translating them at the same time into the so-called machine language. More precisely, then the commands are read directly from the code, and therefore we say that the JavaScript programming language is executed on the Client side, that is, on the user's side. Simply put, the thing is that all of this is done on the computer where a user starts the content with this programming language - here is a clearly discernible difference in relation to HTML, which works so that the user sends certain data for processing to a specific server, but requires them to be fully valid. JavaScript actually performs all the necessary data checks in a specific browser and thus contributes to a better functioning of the whole process.
It is considered that one of the most popular scripting languages used today is JavaScript, and it is especially good that it is supported by all the browsers with the most common application (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.).
After World Wide Web was officially created, Netscape actually created the first scripting language whose primary goal was to increase the dynamics of specific websites or their interactivity. And this was the so-called Mocha scripting language, which was later called LiveScript, only to finally start functioning under the present name. However, there was a big confusion because people thought that Java was the same as JavaScript. Today, it is considered that this company has used this name exclusively for marketing purposes, but Microsoft still used the moment and placed the so-called VBScript scripting language, and in that period the so-called JScript was integrated into the current Internet Explorer 3.0. In order to resolve all these disputes, the company that created JavaScript sent to European Organization for Standardization JavaScript ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association), and since then, the standardized version of this language is called ECMAScript, provided that this term is not used at all. It is known that JAvaScript was created by Brendon Eich, and the most important elements of this programming language are, practically speaking, taken over from the Self-programming language, but of course, everything has been improved. So it is almost unthinkable that any web application works just without it.
There is almost no similarity between Java and JavaScript, except for nuances, and they are first seen in syntax, since both programming languages somewhat follow the rules of language C. However, there are very noticeable differences between these two scripting languages, and are primarily reflected in the fact that Java is characterized as an object-oriented language, while JavaScript is purely object. And there is also the difference that Java requires pre-defining of types of variables, while this is not the case with JavaScript.